FASHION: Here's the frame you should choose to suit your face shape

With a good choice, our frames can reflect our personality and style, but we must not forget to take the shape of our face into account.

Usually, we begin trying on the glasses that catch our attention the most, but then it turns out they actually don’t suit us. But don’t worry, The Eye Establishment team has got you covered with the following tips to help you choose the perfect model.

Round face

For those who have rounder faces, we recommend rectangular glasses because they produce a contrast of shapes and soften round features. With a completely different shape, rectangular frames manage to visually not  accentuate the rounded shape of the face.

Square face

Something similar happens to square faces as with round face shapes. You have to avoid as much as possible square frames or frames with very sharp angles since what they achieve is to accentuate the square angles of your face. The ideal glasses are rounded. With this, we don’t mean that you always have to choose round frames, like the  Harry Potter type, but they should have more rounded angles.

Oval face

This is the perfect face shape to wear glasses, since any shape suits them. If you have an oval face you can choose square, round, rounded or pear-type glasses as long as they are the right size.

Oblong face

In general, these types of face shapes are usually narrower than normal and it is more difficult to get the frame style right. This occurs because people with elongated faces tend to think that all glasses fit too large and focus on finding the smallest possible. However, they should look for glasses that do not exaggerate the proportions of their face. The ideal frame is long in height and shorter in width, but never in excessively large or small sizes. People with narrow faces must avoid shapes that resemble the face itself.


For more information, visit us at 227-229 Old Brompton Road, where our stylists will help you choose the perfect frame for you.